Monday, January 26, 2015

Google Adsense VIA Youtube

What Is Adsense ?

Google adsense is a world famous advertising agency. Different brands / services of different persons and institutions are contacted to google adsense for the promotion and sales. Various companies are paid google adsense to advertise their product in various websites. So adsense advertising their products and services in various websites. Then adsense pay to the websites owner a piece of total profit.
So our question is  there are many advertising company '' why we choose only adsense ? '' Because of -

  • Adsense has world wide network 
  • Adsense provides too  much owner site than other advertising comapny.
  • Adsense is source of multi-income
Will you get adsense ?

Yes you can get the adsense. As before, it was easy to get adsense from Bangladesh but now its so difficult. So that you must observer some conditions .

The following conditions is :
  • At first you need a blog or website account .( you can create a free blog account from .
  • The contents should be 20-25 .
  • That will be unique content In other words no cut, Copy , Paste from other website are not allowed.
  • On the site as a menu must have Home , About us, privacy policy button.
  • The language of the site must be in English because of Google adsense doesn't support Bengali language . ( But you can use other languages which is support Google adsense )
  • Increased your site visitors.
  • Your site will be 6 month old.
  • Pages Rank on the site must be better.
If you observed all the following condition I think you will get the adsense.

Easier way to get adsense VIA 

To get adsense via youtube you must create new fresh Gmail account . Create a new Gmail Account

After complete the form please click on the next step . After create a Gmail account go trough to youtube . Now put your new gmail account and password then click on sign in.

Now a new window will open automatically then upload some videos  which length minimum 3 or 5 minutes .  This process will take some minutes .......

I think my work is done here . Next process you cant learn from this article so go to following link
 This video will help you to learn and how to do next step ..

so thanks all to see my blog . If there is any mistake please forgive me ...