Friday, January 23, 2015

Windows Phone : Advantages & Disadvantages

For a long time many of us using Android Smartphones. Android has many advantage but for a long we are using android so we had a lot of chagrin. Many of us have seen ads on the TV or discussing with friends about taking a decision on the purchase of Windows Phone. Basically this tune for them. Here's the bad side and good side will show to you.

You do not know the  Windows Phone's unique features for which you should buy Windows Phone.

  • Camera : We all know that about Nokia 1020 windows phone's camera. Still this is best smartphone camera. Reasonably Lumia 720, 820, 920, 925, 1520, etc are good quality camera phone. So you can campare windows phone with Iphone or Samsung Galaxy smartphones.

  • Store : Lots of windows apps are available in store. So you can easily find your favorite app from  them. Some Says it has not enough apps in the store in fact they are totally wrong. Windows App Store is constantly enriched by the app you needed. 
  • Live Tiles : It is a unique feature of windows phone which is never seen in others Operating systems smartphones It is very nice see and no ever become slow. All of these features, you can see in this link -

  • Offline Maps : Windows phones have also offline maps like Iphone. You can use the map without a net connection.It's mostly missing in Android Smartphones.
  • Bangla Keyboard : I like most the fact windows phones have permanent Bangla Keyboard. It is the first bangla official keyboard in windows 8.1 . Al most all of the languages are available in windows phone.            

Windows phone is also called The worlds most personal smartphone Because you can easily rearranged this phone. 

Now I am going to tell you the disadvantages of windows phones

  • Flash Player : Flash player is an important thing which allows you to see live TV. However you can see Live TV or Video by using alternative apps but may be it will cut megabytes a  little bit more. However, watch videos on Youtube or others will not be create a problem
  • Browser : You will not get google chrome and opera mini browser in windows phone  but you will find almost all browsers.
The two main and biggest problem now seems to me.

Special Notice : Do not think of anyone I have commented on this post that android operating system is worse. Each operating system has its own specialty. They remain in common with each other is normal.


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